TV en vivo

Hilary Duff se despide de su mascota

Le dice adiós a su perro 'Dubois'.


Monterrey.- La actriz y cantante Hilary Duff escribió un emotivo mensaje en su cuenta de Instagram tras la perdida de uno de sus mejores amigos.Con un corto video en slow-motion fue como la actriz se despidió y compartió la lamentable noticia sobre su perro 'Dubois', quien la acompaño en su vida durante 10 años.Esta no es la primera ocasión que Duff comparte una triste noticia como esta, en años pasados se había despedido de su mascota de nombre 'Lola' quien de igual manera la había acompañado por más de 15 años de su vida. 'Coco' y 'Beau' fueron otras mascotas que la cantante tuvo que decirles adiós.

I never let myself imagine what this day would look or feel like. It was us. And we were invincible. I am having to look into your beautiful amber almond shaped eyes and tell you goodbye today. And honestly I would take the pain of losing you 10x over to have had you for even a quarter of that time my dubie. First of all...thank you...for being my best friend...truly. You have been with me though true pain, true happiness and joy, true confusion and disappointment and all over again. You are more then I could have ever dreamt up on my own. I haven?t taken a step without you beside me for 10 years. You are my protector my comfort, my shadow, my understanding of all things good and warm and fierce. I can?t imagine this house without your noise, your love, your energy, your smile and wagging tail? I know I will move into other parts of my life without you but I am scared. I have faith you will still be my shadow, my angel. There aren?t adjectives big enough to describe my love for you Dubes. My gratitude. I will miss you everyday of my life my sweet boy. You were that once in a lifetime dog. That special bond that not everybody gets. And I got you. You picked me. You were a force. You changed me forever. I will see you at the other end of the rainbow My boy. Forever indebted to you. Rip Dubois ???????

Una publicación compartida de Hilary Duff (@hilaryduff) el Feb 19, 2018 at 11:08 PST

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